

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Belly Fat – Give up Tension

In the world, 70% people are suffering from fat belly. Everybody hates fat belly. Everybody wants to be slim. When you get fat belly then it takes time to come back to slim body. You can use a week as measurement. You may feel better after 7 or 10 days with exercise but it may take months to get slim.

How to Reduce Belly Fat?

Belly fat surrounds internal organs and it release compound.  Belly fat is dangerous.
1 pound fat = 3500 calories.
Hence, to lose a pound you have to consume 3500 calories in a week. You have to set the limit from 3500 to 6000 calories in a week. With the help of this, you can lose 1 or 2 pound per week. For losing weight, time and efforts are required.

Exercise to remove the belly fat.

Even if you have doubt that your belly is getting fat then start exercising today. Don’t try to hit the gym for hours because it may increase the risk of injury. Start time management in exercise. 150 minute exercise per week like swimming, jogging. If you spend 250 minute for exercise per week then you will see the result after one week. Start participating in full body strength training. Try to boost muscles. This will bring changes in your body. Time by time you will see changes in bell.

What Diet should you take?

Diet play important role in it. Try to have fresh fruits, whole grains at dinner. Avoid pizza, sandwich and burgers and alcohol. Protein size should be 2 to 4 ounce for meat. This will help you to reduce belly. If you will regularly follow diet plan then you will start getting slim. You may gain weight again by you normal diet plan. Keep restriction in diet for yourself

Follow “This week Schedule”

You cannot lose fat in one week. You have to start the weight loss process. New diet plan and lifestyle can reduce your fat and you will feel better for your tummy. Eat small meal all the day. Avoid dairy products. Make sure you are having important nutrients and vitamin and calcium from milk and foods. Keep following the routine. 
image Source - Google


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