

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Olympic Athlete Diet

Olympic 2016 has been started. Every Olympic athlete does his best to get medal for his country.
Olympic is a great platform to get popularity across the world.

There is always one Question in everyone mind-


If an Athlete Win Medal in Olympic , then it is 50% about his training and 50% what does he/she eat.
Many People Were Shocked when they came to know that Michael Phelps consumed 12000 calories a day but later truth was revealed that it was just a myth.

Thousand athletes from around the world get trained in pool, on field, in gym , on court , to stay fit because they have to maintain their energy during long workout, while performing and they all have strong competitors.

There are few Points that every Olympic athlete does follow

  • Don’t Skip Breakfast.
  • Stay Hydrated (24x7).
  • Boost Your Immunity.
  • Lift Some Iron.
  • Plan Ahead.
  • Don’t Diet.
  • Finish Strong.
  • Recover Right.

Here I am telling you about some sports category Diet Plan.

  1. Hocky Team Diet.

  Hocky Is an energetic power based sport with high intensity. Hocky player needs more carbohydrates.
To Get Carbohydrates, they eat sweet, potatoes, vegetables Juice, Fresh Fruits.
Hocky Players Get 50% Calorie from Carbohydrates(Grains,Vegetables,Fruits).
They get 20-25% Fuel  from protein and remaining , 25-30% they get from dietary fats.

On the game day, hocky player try to has more calorie. They have meal of chicken, steamed vegetable 3 hours before the match.

They want to avoid distraction by hunger during the match

In between , during the game, players try to maintain their energy by having following –

  • Fresh fruits
  • Sports drink
  • Plenty of water

Every hocky team from different country has common diet plan.
Milk, Wheat, Bread, Rice,  Peanut Butter, Chicken, Sweet Potato, Pasta Soup, Salads, Fresh Fruits, Beverages

Olypic Swimmer Diet

  • Breakfast – Banana, Eggs.
  • Mid Morning Snacks – Fresh Fruits.
  • Lunch – Burgers.
  • Dinner – Chicken, Fresh Veggie, Salsa.

The U.S. Swimmer Michael Phelps told ESPN During an Interview that he eats 8000-10000 calories a day,

Well he would need to eating long in a single day to get that calorie.


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