

Friday, 21 October 2016

Staying Fit By Following Simple Step

1. Eat Different Type Foods.

You need more than 40 different nutrients for better health and no one single food can supply all. food supply (Today’s Time) makes it easy to eat a various variety of foods whether or not you are having fresh foods to cook, taking advantage of pre prepared dishes and meals or buying "take-away" foods. Balance your choice over time! Need to valence your lunch and dinner.

2. Base on Your Diet of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Most people do not eat plenty of foods like bread, pasta, rice, other cereals and potatoes. More than half the calories in your diet must come from these foods. You need to Try wholegrain bread, pasta and other wholegrain cereals, too, it will increase your fibre intake.

3. Eat plenty of Fruits And Vegetables.

Mostly people amongst us do not eat enough of these foods either although they provide important protective nutrients. You must Try to eat at least five servings a day and if you don't enjoy them at first – you should try some new recipes or see what ready prepared dishes are available in the your near market.

4. Always Maintain a Healthy Weight and Feel Proud.

The weight that is right for you depends on many factors which will include your sex, height, age and heredity. If you getting overweight than you are increasing your risk of a wide range of diseases including heart disease and cancer. Every body know that body fat results when you eat more calories than you need. These extra calories can come from - protein, fat, carbohydrate or alcohol- but fat is the most concentrated source of calories. Physical activity is a best way of increasing the energy (calories) you expend each day and it can make you feel better. The message is vary simple: if you are gaining weight, you need to eat less and try to be more active.

5. Eat moderate portions -Just Reduce, don't eliminate foods.

If you can keep portion sizes reasonable, you can eat all the foods you want without having to eliminate any. Just example, some reasonable serving sizes are: 100g of meat; one medium piece of fruit, half a cup of raw pasta and 50ml of ice-cream. Preprepared meals can offer portion control and they often have the calorie values on the pack to help those who are counting. If you are eating out, you could share a portion with a friend.

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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Giloy – All in One Ayurvedic Medicine

Giloy(Tinospora Cordifolia) has been used in India for ages. It is known as AMRITA which means “Root of Immortality”. It is approved by food administration. It is a climbing plant. Grey brown, leave are membranous. Regular use of it can beat all type of cancer. it is vary effective in terms of increasing platelet that is why it is useful in fever. It is the best herbal supplements in the country is effective in urinary health problem. It is all in one medicine.

HereAre Top 5 Reason Why You Should Have Giloy in Your Life.

  1. Boost – It is used for helping in boost immunity. It is full of antioxidants. It help you to get rid of disease. It does purify blood. It is used for multiple purpose. It is only Ayurvedic root which is useful in more then 100 disease.
  2. Fever Goes Away – This time, dengue , malaria, chikungunya are main disease. As the climate is changing, people are suffering from these disease. it is trusted in this case. It helps you to get rid of any type of fever.
  3. Help in diabetes – diabetes is a common health problem these days. It cause blood pressure problem. According to doctor of fortis hospital, it helps in treating diabetes. Its juice help to control blood and sugar of body.
  4. Help in Reducing Stress And Anxiety - Just telling you that it is adaptogenic herb. It helps in stress problem. You may get rid of toxin, boost the memory. Take it with other herbs then it become health tonic.
  5. Giloy Helps in Reducing the Sign of Ageing. - it is powerful in many disease. It contains anti-ageing properties which removes dark circle, pimple, wrinkles. It gives you glowing skin
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Friday, 23 September 2016

Say No to More Than 6 teaSpoon Sugar

According to experts, it is dangerous for kids to have more then 6 teaspoon of sugar. This is apply for age group (2-18 years). 
According to researchers –
6 Teaspoons Sugar – 100 Calorie
If you are giving more sugar per day to your kids, then your kid may have weight gain, fatty lever disease, abnormal cholesterol Problem. It may increase future cardiovascular risk in kids and teenagers.

How Much Sugar is Suitable for kids?

According to Study, 25 grams, which is less than 10% 0 calorie, is suitable for kids. Soft drink, candy, cookies, cakes; ice creams contain the added sugar.
A Plain whole grain bagel with cream cheese is known for no added sugar. A healthy breakfast with low added sugar, low fat milk would have added 1 gram sugar. If you think this is difficult to manage, then try to have less sugar and low fiber food. Don’t be confused between sugar and starch.

It is similar alcohol to kids.

if a kid don’t manage his sugar diet then it is sure that his upcoming life is not going to be healthy.
Parents should not allow their kids to have more then 6 teaspoon sugar per day. Life can be easy by following some steps.

I hope this article with help parents and they can take care of their kids in terms of sugar.

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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Belly Fat – Give up Tension

In the world, 70% people are suffering from fat belly. Everybody hates fat belly. Everybody wants to be slim. When you get fat belly then it takes time to come back to slim body. You can use a week as measurement. You may feel better after 7 or 10 days with exercise but it may take months to get slim.

How to Reduce Belly Fat?

Belly fat surrounds internal organs and it release compound.  Belly fat is dangerous.
1 pound fat = 3500 calories.
Hence, to lose a pound you have to consume 3500 calories in a week. You have to set the limit from 3500 to 6000 calories in a week. With the help of this, you can lose 1 or 2 pound per week. For losing weight, time and efforts are required.

Exercise to remove the belly fat.

Even if you have doubt that your belly is getting fat then start exercising today. Don’t try to hit the gym for hours because it may increase the risk of injury. Start time management in exercise. 150 minute exercise per week like swimming, jogging. If you spend 250 minute for exercise per week then you will see the result after one week. Start participating in full body strength training. Try to boost muscles. This will bring changes in your body. Time by time you will see changes in bell.

What Diet should you take?

Diet play important role in it. Try to have fresh fruits, whole grains at dinner. Avoid pizza, sandwich and burgers and alcohol. Protein size should be 2 to 4 ounce for meat. This will help you to reduce belly. If you will regularly follow diet plan then you will start getting slim. You may gain weight again by you normal diet plan. Keep restriction in diet for yourself

Follow “This week Schedule”

You cannot lose fat in one week. You have to start the weight loss process. New diet plan and lifestyle can reduce your fat and you will feel better for your tummy. Eat small meal all the day. Avoid dairy products. Make sure you are having important nutrients and vitamin and calcium from milk and foods. Keep following the routine. 
image Source - Google

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Top 10 Foodie Darling Movies

1 - Big Night

2 - Ratatouille

3 - Julie e Julia

4 - The Lunchbox

5 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

6 - Spinning Plates

7 - Haute Cuisine

8 - Waitress

9 - chef

10 - Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

image Source - Google
Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Jalebi : Mouth Watering Indian Recipe

Jalebi, also known as Zulbia, is a sweet popular in countries of South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and East Africa. It is made bydeep-frying a wheat flour (maida flour) batter in pretzel or circular shapes, which are then soaked in sugar syrup.(WIKI)

When I was a kid, I used to visit to fair with my older. We used to walk here and there. One thing was common , when everyone return to their house, they never forget to buy jalebi.

How to Make it at Home?

Why They Prefer Jalebi?

Jalebi is not harmful because nobody uses harmful color in it . it turns out in yellow color.

If you want to make it at your home then try the following.

  • Use pure ghee
  • Don’t use high flame to heat the oil.
  • Use the pan which is flat bottomed.
  • Have balance of sugar syrup between thin and thick.

Where to buy jalebi?

If you are Indian then you already know the answer and if you are planning to visit India, then you can buy it from any local sweet shop in india.

Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Colorful Sweets Killing People

Sweets makers are using harmful color in sweets during festive season because it attracts people..
People but these sweets are very harmful in reality.

If we go into deep we knew the business man use artificial colors and bad quality of raw material for their profit especially in festive season and the customers blindly use it.

Don’t be attracting to colorful sweets.

How it is  Dangerous?

In sweets they use 70% of sugar, 20% of oil and only 10% of other raw material and this thing cause to serious health issue like diabetes, hair problem and skin problems...
After getting sick, you go to doctor, you spend money...So it started from harmful sweets.
Don’t let yourself to attract to colorful sweets. Think before buy.

Dangerous Method

  • People don’t use natural milk to create sweets they use artificial milk for sweets (milk powder).
  • They use toxic color in sweets which cause food poisoning, Vomiting, Brain Damage, Paralysis ETC...
  • It Is tasted In labs also that colorful sweets are slow poison…
  • Many Sweet Sellers use synthetic material and they add starch in it…

How to Avoid?

  • Instead of buying these harmful sweets, you should buy fruits because this can be good for health.
  • Prefer homemade sweets, made by original material like pure ghee, natural milk…

Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Michael Phelps – Energy Consuming Machine

In 2008, During Beijing Olympic, People were Really shocked
When they came to know that Michael Phelps is having 12000 calorie Per  day.

Normal People Schedule - Eat-Work-Sleep

Michael Phelps Schedule - Eat-Swim- Eat

Well we have lost that Phelps; he is having new responsibilities now.
He is father of one child now.

Now Phelps has stopped to having so many calories.

2008 Schedule - 

3 Egg Sandwiches + 5 Egg Omelet + Grits + 3 French toast + 3 Snacks
+ Drinks + Juice + Pasta + Fruits

2016 Schedule - 

Half Diet of 2008

He is currently Having 4000 Calorie per Day.

Phelps has world record in swimming so no one should surprise to know 
about his diet because you cannot imagine swimming 50 miles per week.
If Michal Phelps were son of Indian mother, then he would
Have 15000 calorie per day because Indian mother want his son
To eat more.

Phelps one day diet is equal to 2 men diet.
Phelps works hard to consume his energy.
He has faster speed to burn his calorie.

Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

How To Stay Fit like Athlete?

First you need to realize that food does not have 2 categories (Good or bad), we have diet which is good or bad.

So never think that you are having wrong food.

i am writing few tips which can help you to stay Fit like Athlete

1 - You need to eat different type of food.

Human body needs nearby 40 Nutrients to stay fit and you cannot have that from a single food.
You have to do one thing. Please maintain your daily Routine (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Maintain low fat and high fat food.

2 - Start Loving Fruits and Vegetables.

i live in a society where people hate vegetable. Well if you want to stay health then you will have
to start eating all fruits and vegetables available in market.

3 - Don't let your body to be overweight.

Mostly people don’t know if they are having perfect weight or no.
if you are getting fat then you have more chances to have huge range of disease. stop eating more calories.

I am just explaining this in a simple way.

Whenever you feel that you are getting fat then you need to control your breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Try to be more physical active.

4 - Never Skip Meals.

Do you know if you are skipping breakfast then you are inviting hunger?
Take proper meal, if you are forgetting to count snacks as meal then you is
Having much calorie.

5 - Water impotence(Fluid).

try to have 1.5 ltr of fluid a day.

You may have water, juice, tea, coffee.

Start following today
Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Vegetarian Food Is In Good Health than Non Vegetarian

I am 23 years old (Pure Vegetarian). I never ate even a single egg in my life.
But one of my friends was having conversation with me yesterday.
According to my friend, vegetarian and non vegetarian both are killing a life,
Vegetarian kills plant while other is killing animals,

So I am telling you the difference between both.
  • Plants are known for having Nervous System then animals so plants don’t feel much pain.
  • God created human, human is free to eat whatever he wants to eat.
  • Well human body structure is different from cats, dog and other animals and it has been proved that human beings are vegetarian.
  • Human has HCL Acid in their stomach but is not strong Compare to wild animals.
  • There is something in vegetarian which is called Appendix, while it is not available in others.
  • Plants are 1 Indriya while animals are 5 Indriya so killing animal is crueler.

Necessary Nutrients for human body can be found in vegetable, you can keep your body under control by being veg.

You Can Understand By Example.

Give apple and living chicken to child, interestingly child would love to play with that living chicken and he will eat apple and if a dog or cat were in the same situation then reverse will happen.
Benefit for Daily FoodTips for Health now.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Golgappa: Very Popular stall in India

Panipuri/ Golgappa/  is a common street snacks in several regions. the panipuri originated from Magadha region of india(currently south Bihar as phulki)  wiki

There is always panipuri counter at every wedding in india.

  • When you have 2 or 3 girls(Friends)  with you, then it is always difficult  to avoid golgappa.
  • Well, Indian girls prefer golgappa to refresh their mood.
  • Eating golgappa is a joyful moment in girls life and the fact is, every Indian girl is addicted to golgappa. 
  • They want more and more …


  • Well mostly benefit goes to golgappa seller. Golgappa seller is always surrounded by girls all the time.
  • panipuri gives you relief from acidity

Whats bad with GOLGAPPA –

It is source of high calorie. You may  feel hungry even after having 1000 calories from golgappa /  panipuri.

Why do Indian girls love golgappa?

Before Few Months, girls were unable to prepare it in kitchen but now we have golgappas product to prepare it in kitchen.
Boys can smoke,boys can go on bike so girls started a valid reason to go outside.

  • Every Indian girls think that it is her right to ask for extra golgappa after finishing the plate.
  • Girls think that it is the best part of eating this..
  • And it in not ban in any religion

Some Funny Tweet

1. पुजारी ने नारियल अपने सिर पर दे मारा
जब एक लड़की ने उनसे पूछा-😳
पंडित जी व्रत में सादे पानी की जगह गोलगप्पे
का पानी पी सकते हैं क्या ?😂😂

2. भारतीय महिलाओं को दो ही चीज पसंद आती है..
👉गप्पे और गोलगप्पे

3. लड़कियाँ भी हद करती है
घर का काम करे
चाट पकोड़ी और गोलगप्पे खाती है

4. 2G की स्पीड से
4G की स्पीड से!

5. एक बात हमेशा याद रखना,दुनिया में कुछ मिले या मिले-दो चीजे हक से लेनी चाहिये, एक समोसे के साथ एक्स्ट्रा चटनी और दूसरा गोलगप्पे के बाद पानी|
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